Tuesday, July 30, 2013

so just what is this Zentangle stuff?

Well first and foremost, Zentangle is art.  In its most basic form, it is single lines drawn, "one stroke at a time" to form either simple or much more complicated patterns.  Those patterns, in turn, then are put together in ways that form shapes, patterns, fill-ins , etc that form ART.  i, myself, prefer the black and white form but Zentangle can be done in any color and any media.  I recently saw Zentangle being carved into pottery before it was fired or glazed and it came out looking wonderful!  The only limit I have come across is the one you place on your self!  And for those of you who know me you can hear me saying it it. "that's  a bunch of hoo haa!"  because that is what I would probably say to you if you were standing or sitting in my store or my home.  Everyone can do Zentangle!  I met a man who does Zentangle holding a pencil in his teeth, yup his teeth.  You have probably seen his artwork on cards or other kinds of art work but if he can do it so can you.

So what do you need?  Time and some money.....money for the supplies and the initial lessons, time to learn and practice......that is it.....how much time you say...I don't have a lot of free time!  I say do you have 10-15 minutes a day....."yes" you say...."GOOD" says I "because that is all you need!"

it only takes 10-15 minutes to draw a zentangle on a 3x3 space, which is what we draw on.
you get the pen, the pencil, and some tiles to draw on when you leave the class, and a nifty bag to keep all your Zentangle goodies in!  i have drawn a tangle waiting in line at stores, the bank, waiting for kids, my husband, at the hospital, dentist etc.... anywhere you have to wait it is a great thing to do.  i tangle when i can't sleep, when i'm worried about something or when i'm just plain mad ( i tangle until i'm not mad any more) helps a lot!   

i keep a small book and a micron in my purse just for those times when i need to use them.   ever been somewhere and got stuck,  in traffic, a lecture a meeting?  Tangling helps,   there is research that says if you are drawing you will retain much more of the information presented in a meeting or class than if not.

"but I'm just not artistic".....hoo haaa....I'm the one who got kicked out of art class....yup that's right!  teacher said, no talent, out you go.  broke my little girl heart and I didn't do art for a lot of years.  took a looong time to work up the courage to try again and a really super college art professor who said "everybody has art inside of them" i believed him and i am glad that i did.  look at where i am today.  I send blessings out to him each and every day because without him........my life would have been a whole lot different and this is why i say " HOO HAA!!!"  loud and clear to all of who you doubt yourselves....

come and try Zentangle and be a doubter NO MORE!!!!!

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